Monday, 10 January 2011

Media Studies; A Reader.

Is ruining my whole entire life. This is me for the next few days;
Media Studies; A Reader. Media Studies; A Reader.
100% unedited, yes, this is what I actually look like when the only place I'm going to is the 24 hour library.
So this is just a post to say, see you on Monday, as that is when my life will resume. Wish me luck in my horrific exams on Wednesday and Friday :( P.S. Look how thin this model is on ASOS! Can't believe they'd employ her, she's like a rake, not pretty at all.


  1. Awww good luck hon- you'll smash the exams I'm sure.
    PS damn you for still looking cute as a button whilst in the midst of an exam crisis!

    xxx Maddie

  2. Such good nails! They'll cheer you up during your revising sesh. They'd definitely cheer me up.


  3. Good luck! I know I'm feeling it too - it's A Level time again!


  4. You look so different here! Good luck with your exams lovely! New shoes to treat yourself after all the stress of studying?! Haha. x

  5. Good luck!! Your nails are really cute :) x

  6. Good luck with the exams! I did Media in secondry school and i found THAT hard so god knows how hard it is for you. I'm sure you'll do great!! and god that model is skinny! xx

  7. good luck! my media exams in may, day before my birthday! phew ;) xxx

  8. Aww I remember those days! Good luck with your exams hun xx

    PS that model is shocking!

  9. I love your tshirt! xo.

  10. hahaha this is me too at the moment but i am doing my dissertation! good luck and chin up :)

    R x

  11. uhhh poor you...i had two exams this week and i ´ll ahve on 2moorow too so i know how u feel..btw, i am ur newest rerader ;)
    ah that model actually realy is very thin Oo but i do think she is least waht u see of her face :D

  12. Agree with that stupid skin and bone model! How stupid! My exams are over. Thank goodness, love the name of your blog! Will check back for sure!


If you have any questions, feel free to tweet me @daisy_kate :)!